The Placebo Button

Did you know the Placebo Effect can occur even when you know it's a placebo? It's true1. And it happens in about one in three people2.

That means, if I give you a placebo, and tell you it's a placebo, there's a 1 in 3 chance it will help alleviate symptoms of whatever I say it's for.

Enter the Placebo Button. Simply type in what you want your button to cure, and click it. It might help to come back and do it often; your button should still be here if you return tomorrow.

It's crazy. It's science. It just might work.

So, what do you want your button to do?

  1. "New research shows placebos can also benefit patients who do not have faith in them." - Placebo Effect: A Cure in the Mind, Scientific American, Feb 2009
  2. "Even though they do not act on the disease, placebos seem to affect how people feel (this happens in up to 1 out of 3 patients)" - Placebo Effect,, Oct 2012
So. Got any questions, or crazy success stories?
Feel free to email me at

Copyright 2013, Randy Tayler